Showed up to generate testbed footage – found a brand new combination lock on the multimedia cabinet in AE1203 – can’t run the projector without that computer or a laptop. Going to try making some stand-in footage in the cubicle so I have something to work with. (I really could use the clean edges on shadows)
Started pulling out some of the clips on eyesweb. May have to do some work to reduce some minor flickering in the video capture.
Fuzzy edges noticed around shadows – this may be because the projector is so close to the screen. Also noticed: in the test conditions, the umbra is nearly the same color as projected black. This may make isolating the shadow from an all-black region difficult.
Reinstalled eyesWeb 3.3.0 with the upgrade patch and the gesture processing library. It seems to work again.
Doing yet more reading on patches and other eyesweb notes.
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