4-20-2005 Pushing and Pulling
I think I've got 'pushing' and 'pulling' ironed out. Both activities are based upon the Barslund repulsion algorithm that I picked up from levitated.
The basic algorithm, as implemented in Flash, is:
xDif = _root._xmouse-this._x;
yDif = _root._ymouse-this._y;
distance = Math.sqrt(xDif*xDif+yDif*yDif);
tempX = this._x-(force/distance)*(xDif/distance);
tempY = this._y-(force/distance)*(yDif/distance);
I modified this equation extensively, making a method called scoot:
public function scoot(pusherX, pusherY){The core is similar, but the results are very different. pusherX and pusherY are the coordinates of a pushing object, which in Luminance are the tracking nodes. Every frame, the screen object is moved by its vx and vy values (v is short for velocity). When a node comes within range, in this case less than 120 pixels, it starts to influence the screen object's movement values (vx and vy). The closer the node is, the greater the effect. In this example, I have the alteration (((force/distance)*(yDif/distance))/15) being subtracted from the object's velocity, which causes the object to be 'pushed' from the tracking node; counterintuitive I know, but that's how it works out. Adding the alteration value to the velocity results in a 'pulling' behavior, which can be useful for other segments of Luminance.
xDif = pusherX - this._x;
yDif = pusherY - this._y;
distance = Math.sqrt(xDif*xDif+yDif*yDif);
if((distance <> 10)){
vx -= ((force/distance)*(xDif/distance)) / 15;
vy -= ((force/distance)*(yDif/distance)) / 15;
I'm not totally certain that I need to divide the alteration value at the end (((force/distance)*(yDif/distance))/15). Without this operation, objects repelled by nodes tended to be flung away at a really high velocity. I think I can simplify the calculation by just reducing the force constant (right now it is set to 125). I'll do that in some later experiments.
- Figure out how to sort arrays by length. This will let me mod the proximity engine to figure out which cell has the highest population in/around it, which would tell us where to point the eyeball in the opening segment.
- Come up with a distance checking algorithm to check the neighbors returned by the proximity engine. Pushing and pulling are still a little flaky - nodes are shifting faster than the engine seems to keep up.